Turin, September 8-13, 2013
Role of Organizing Secretariat: scientific program composition, scientific communication management, online referees, registrations, budget management, cash flow management, printed material, personnel, building up, catering, hotels, transports, social events, expo area.
The congress has been organized by an Organizing Committee based at the Politecnico di Torino (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer). In the Committee there are professors of the Politecnico and main companies representatives. The 5th World Tribology Congress is the most important worldwide event in the tribology field; to this congress, that in the past years has been
attended by 1000 delegates, it is associated an high level expo area of about 5000 sms. The past congresses have been held in London (1997), Wien (2001), Washington (2005) and Kyoto (2009).
The 5th World Congress’ main themes were friction, lubrication and usury, fields that are commonly grouped under the name “Tribology”. In the expo area we find Formula 1 cars, prototypes of Hybrid
cars with two or four wheels.
The most numerous delegation: China!
N. registered delegates:1400
N. hostesses/stewards employed: 23
N. Congress Halls: 11
N. day of the congress: 5
N. square meters in the expo area: 2.700
N. years of preparation: 3
N. exhibitors. 18
N. country represented: 72
N. scientific communication: 1154
Role of the Organizing Secretariat: Planning, budget management, project management and cash flow management, printed materials, mailing, graphic layout, catering, set up, room equipment, app and website, transport, social events, hotels, sponsoring, exhibition planning and management.
Organised by the ICC WCF, the world’s largest gathering of chambers of commerce is held every two years. This structured event is based on an organized format with 3 days of debates, workshops, parallel sessions and social events. The exhibition is always a good place to share commercial opportunities and to build a strong network..
The 9th World Chambers Congress was held in Turin with 1300 participants from 115 Countries, 31 from less developed countries, 42 exhibitors, 41 sponsors, 10 media partners and 8 Chambers of commerce partners.
N. registered delegates: over 1,300
N. speakers: over 150
N. hostesses/stewards: 55
N. congress rooms: 8
N. congress days: 3
N. square meters of exhibition space: over 2,500
N. sponsor: 41
N. years of preparation: 1
Bid management, Association Secretariat and Congress Organizing Secretariat management.
Bid: bid planning and management in 2010, 17 board meetings abroad, 2 videos produced, over 180,000 euro to cover the bid organizational costs in Yokohama (J) in 2012 and assignment of Congress management.
Congress: 4 years of preparation work, international lobbying, over 350 contacts with international companies, a database of 25,000 professionals, website with over 11,000 contacts, social campaigns, targeted DEM campaigns, board of directors’ secretariat at the President’s office. The scientific program was developed with the Board during 4 years (2012-2016).
Association management: board meetings management, administrative and financial management
(Bruxelles), budget management, educational activities planning and organization (FAD, RES).
Congress activities – over EUR 3,5 million budget
N. scientific associations involved: 95
N. registered delegates: 4,500
N. speakers: 350
N. hotel rooms reserved: 3,500
N. hostesses/stewards provided: 85
N. congress days: 5
N. square meters of exhibition space: 20,000
N. years of preparation: 4
N. sponsor: 100